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0 Bar(s) Serving Sole Kaleidoscopic Dreamscape

Style: Cream Ale
Origin: Emmaus, PA
Brewery: Sole

Kaleidoscopic Dreamscape is an imperial version of a new style that we would like to christen as an India Cream Ale; the next logical evolution of an extremely juicy, soft, creamy, and hop forward IPA that has a low residual bitterness, and is brewed with huge amounts of milk sugar. Potent tangerine, apricot, and peach is predominant and complimented by a soft bitterness, with a citrusy aroma and flavor from the addition of lemons and oranges in the whirlpool. Lingering sweetness and a full-bodied creamy mouthfeel provided by the lactose and flaked grain compliment this quadruple dry-hopped ICA. 8% ABV.

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